How to Change a Word Document’s Default Tabs
While Word’s default format for tabs works just fine, most people would prefer to use tabs that are aligned with the left margin of the document, rather than aligned with the center of each paragraph. The easiest way to do this is to change the default settings in your Word program to shift the tabs over to the left margin. All you have to do is follow these simple steps: Open your Microsoft Word program and click on File at the top of your screen. Then, select Options from your drop-down menu.
Header tab
So you’re editing your next masterpiece in Microsoft Word and realize that the default tab settings (1.5 inch, left) don’t match the formatting needs of your document.
You’re not alone; adjusting the default tabs is easy and can be done quickly with just a few clicks. You can do it by following these steps
- Click on File at the top left of your screen
- Choose Options from the drop-down menu
- In the window that pops up, click on Advanced
- Scroll down to find Tabs. Click on this option
- The right pane will show all different options for tabs
- Select whichever ones suit your need
- Now click OK
- All edits are saved as soon as you close out of the window!
Body tab
Here are the steps for changing default tabs in Microsoft Word:
- Open up your word document and go to File > Page Setup.
- Select the tab type you want to change. 3. Click the Page Layout tab and make sure the right setting is selected for Tab stops.
Footer tab
If you’re not a fan of the default tabs, such as Insert, Format, and Review, then you can change them by doing the following:
Select Format > Quick Access Toolbar.
Click the down arrow next to the word Tab. This will bring up all of your options for tabs. Choose whichever one you like best, or create your own and enter in some text for it that will appear when this tab is selected.
Save your file
Open the file in Microsoft Word. Click the File tab, then click Save As. In the Save as type drop-down menu, select Word 97-2003 document. Click Save. Your tabs should now be set to 1 (1 cm).
If you don’t have this version of Microsoft Office installed on your computer, open the file in Office 2010 or 2013 and choose Options > Advanced > General from the ribbon. Select Before 0.75in, then choose OK.