10 Reasons to Upgrade to a VoIP System

10 Reasons to Upgrade to a VoIP System

VoIP systems enhance productivity and include advanced features like auto-attendants, call forwarding, on-hold music, and voicemail-to-email. They can also be integrated with CRM systems.

Another benefit of upgrading to a VoIP system is that it allows you to switch to unified communications (UC). UC elevates your workflow by integrating all your communication channels under one umbrella.

Lower Costs

When you switch to a VoIP business system, you can enjoy a much lower cost than traditional phone solutions. Plus, as long as you have a stable Internet connection, call quality will be crystal clear.

VoIP systems scale with your company, allowing you to add new extensions instantly and adjust the monthly bill accordingly. This allows even a one-person operation to project a larger business image.

Enhanced Call Quality

With VoIP, you can enjoy crystal-clear calling. The system eliminates the problems associated with poor internet connectivity, like jitters and latency.

It provides advanced call analytics, which you can integrate with your CRM to gain valuable customer and team performance insights. This helps you enhance your business and gain a competitive edge in the market. Check out this Ooma guide: improving VoIP systems to learn more.

You can also get features like voicemail to email and conference bridging that improve your productivity.


VoIP systems work off your business’s internet connection, so calls aren’t dependent on a specific phone line. This makes them more portable and versatile for business owners.

This flexibility can help boost productivity, especially for sales teams. For example, clients can request an online chat or video call during off-hours without wasting time pulling up contact information. VoIP also offers features like voicemail transcription and call conferencing.


Unlike traditional phone lines, VoIP uses data networks to route calls. Your business VoIP network depends on a stable high-speed internet connection to maintain call quality.

Luckily, your business can easily add new lines and users to accommodate growth with a VoIP system. Geographical and administrative scalability are also possible. They could be more noticeable and require a more nuanced approach to understanding.


VoIP calls utilize a data network instead of landlines, making them mobile. Your team can make business calls from anywhere if you have a good internet connection (fiber, high-speed mobile data) and a particular VoIP phone or VoIP app.

Say you have a customer who needs assistance during off-office hours. You can assist them with a mobile VoIP application from your home office or the field.


Rather than a full-featured business phone system, you can get VoIP services that integrate with your CRMs and internal management software. This means your sales and customer service teams can be more productive and efficient.

A VOIP upgrade also cuts costs on international calls. That’s because VoIP calls are made over the internet. This gives you the freedom to cater to global customers.


Businesses moving to VoIP will notice a return on investment in many ways, from direct costs like a lower price tag on phone lines to features that reduce business expenses, such as voicemail to email and conference calling.

Remote workers benefit from the ability to transfer calls and put callers on hold using a PC softphone or compatible mobile app. They also have the freedom to move locations without losing their office number or having to provide personal cell numbers.


VoIP phones use advanced audio codecs to deliver high-quality calls. This means you can enjoy superior sound quality, with no echoes and background noise disrupting meetings.

Having reliable internet connectivity is critical for VoIP call reliability. Businesses should consider switching to a fiber connection or opting for business mobile data plans for increased uptime, preventing communication outages.

Modern VoIP systems also offer broadband prioritization, so calls are not interrupted by sudden increases in internet traffic. This provides a level of redundancy that traditional phone networks lack.


VoIP calls can be forwarded to various mobile phones and laptops. That way, even if an office phone line goes down due to local power outages or weather events, salespeople can still connect with customers using their smartphones or laptops.

In addition, many VoIP phones have handsets, receivers, and button placements similar to traditional desk phones, so they look the same and function similarly.


With VoIP, you’ll never have to worry about phone line outages or service interruptions. You only need a stable high-speed internet connection like fiber or mobile data to continue working.

Additionally, VoIP providers often include HD voice and conferencing features with their plans. Depending on your software and provider, these can be used on your desktop or smartphone.